
Alcoholics Anonymous

Donate Help Us Grow 

We are blessed to be a Blessing.
We give, with our hearts.
We give, for we have been given.
We give, more to help more.
We give, because it feel goods.
We give, as a way to be of service.
We give, it is our duty and ​privilege.

How much has soberiety given me? Every donation counts. 

2 opportunities 
to Donate 

 1. SaddleBack Center  
(Building / Operations)

2. SaddleBack Fellowship
(Meetings 7th Tradition)


1. Saddleback Center 
An Approved 501 (c3) Charity

Provides building operations and renovations to keep the facility functioning and safe. It provides Coffee Machines, Chairs, Paint, Flooring, Upgrades, Repairs, on going Maintenance,  All the physical items that are supplied to maintain the building.  

it is estimated over 1500 people attend the center every week.
Providing all attendies a safe, clean, environment for recovery.

Donate below to keep the facility updated, safe, and clean.


We are a ​501 (c)3 non-profit ​organization.

Board Treasurer
Please ask us for a tax donation receipt. 

2. SaddleBack Fellowship
(Meetings  7th Tradition )

Provides the Meeting level assistance. (7th Tradition).  
With over 1500 attendies every week the center uses lots or resources. Donations here to help Pay for Rent, Electricity, Air Conditioning, Heating, Books, Beverage Supplies, Chips, Literature and more. Your contributions are also helping AA as a whole.

Donate below to 
Saddleback Fellowship 
7th Tradition
monthly expenses. 
through  Zelle, Venmo, Paypal 


Your generous donations help keep the Saddleback F ellowship growing.

Recipient Name:  
 Saddleback Valley  Fellowship Center   Email :     Treasurer

Venmo ID

It takes a lot of resources to provide a clean, safe and comfortable environment that makes recovery possible. This location is open from 6am until 11pm daily. The Center provides over 75 meetings weekly, over 3000 Sq Feet of meeting rooms, and are able to provide 5 individual meeting areas to help accommodate various meeting types. Literature, and coffee, and events are provided.  We are 100% supported through contributions like yours .  Please donate to keep these services open and robust for all members. 

How do I participate ? 
It is reconizing that we now have more opportunity since we stopped drinking. This is your chance to give more at each meeting  than the minimum suggested donation. 

How much has soberiety given me?  

Show it with your donation. 

Big Book Page 181:  Sense of duty. 
 It is a pleasure. Because in so doing I am paying my debt to the man who took time to pass it on to me. Because every time I do it I take out a little more insurance for myself against a possible slip. 

Donate In Person at meetings,  
or through Zelle , Paypal ,  Venmo 

Please help us support
continuing recovery at: 
23401 El Toro Rd. 
Lake Forest Ca 92630

How can I Help ?